Are you over forty and considering motherhood? Facing fertility issues despite your age? Want to conceive with your own eggs but unsure due to your age? 

Fertility declines progressively after 35 and diminishes significantly by 40-45 due to declining egg quantity and quality. 

However, motherhood post this age isn’t impossible. Late motherhood is increasingly common, and many patients at our clinic achieve their goal of conceiving with their own eggs. 

Some have low ovarian reserves for their age but high-quality eggs, leading to successful “natural” pregnancies. If conception is challenging, we conduct tests and recommend the most suitable treatment. 

IVF and ovarian rejuvenation: Two options for motherhood with own eggs

As couples consider parenthood in their forties, doubts arise about natural conception. Remember, achieving pregnancy requires various factors besides quality eggs

With current assisted reproduction techniques, three in ten women over 40 conceive using their own eggs, a significant increase from years past. 

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the common method, involving ovarian stimulation to retrieve mature eggs for fertilization with partner or donor sperm in a lab. 

Embryos are then transferred to the uterus during the receptive endometrial phase for implantation and pregnancy.

IVF, a safe technique with high success rates, reduces genetic abnormalities and miscarriage risks. It can use fresh or previously frozen eggs or embryos. 

Another option for motherhood post-40 is ovarian rejuvenation, aiming to reverse primary ovarian aging.

What is Revitalize and how does it work?

Revitalize is a comprehensive ovarian rejuvenation treatment that helps many women become mothers with their own eggs.

We say it’s comprehensive because it improves both the quality of the eggs and the receptivity of the endometrium, thus increasing the chances of pregnancy.

Basically, what we have done in our clinic is to combine different effective techniques that were previously used separately and, when united and applied in a personalized manner, enhance the functionality of the ovaries and the uterus.

For whom is Revitalize recommended?

Its comprehensive nature means that Revitalize enhances any assisted reproductive treatment, both in terms of ovarian response and endometrial preparation.

However, its results are particularly significant for patients with poor reproductive prognosis (over 35 years old, low ovarian reserve, premature ovarian insufficiency, early menopause, or minimal/no endometrial growth) who wish to become mothers using their own eggs.

How does Revitalize improve egg quality?

Revitalize enhances ovarian function to produce mature eggs, transitioning dormant follicles to responsive ones using the patient’s own plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF). 

Plasma extraction, akin to a routine blood test, is followed by PRGF extraction and direct deposit into the ovary or uterus via puncture or minimally invasive laparoscopy.

What is the success rate of Revitalize?

Revitalize Ovario is an excellent alternative to guarantee the patient’s egg retrieval prior to IVF.

In patients with useful embryos, the success rate in our clinic reached 78% and the gestation rate after treatment, 68%.

The percentage of Evolutive Gestation is 55%. 

In addition, 7% of the patients who underwent the Revitalize Ovary procedure in our clinic (with an average age of 41 years) achieved a natural pregnancy

Having a child with your own eggs… How long is it possible?

Both IVF and ovarian rejuvenation allow for childbirth with one’s own eggs until ages 40-45. But is there an age limit for these treatments? What do experts say?

In reality, there’s no set age limit for having children with one’s own eggs, as it depends on each patient’s individual situation (ovarian reserve, hormone levels, prior pregnancies, presence of chronic illnesses, etc.). However, age-related decline in egg quantity and quality not only hinders conception but also increases the risk of miscarriages and fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

Both processes (reduced ovarian reserve and egg quality loss) are natural and irreversible, and can only be “slowed down” by freezing eggs years in advance.

If you’re considering delaying motherhood, our advice as experts is to undergo regular check-ups to assess your ovarian reserve and consider the option of freezing your eggs to preserve your fertility for the future.

Delaying motherhood is a highly personal matter, a decision that should be made carefully and thoughtfully, with all the information available to make the best choices.

Want to know your real chances of achieving pregnancy with your own eggs based on your age and reproductive health status? Contact us by email or phone to answer all your questions.